How To Increase Traffic To Your Online Auction?

In a live in-person auction, you have an engrossed audience who is keenly eyeing the proceedings and will bid freely, whereas in an online auction, you cannot put a finger on the earnings the product can muster up. However, online bidding will have more players or bidders because here is where the bidders are. They love an online auction more hungrily than any other  for the cute  little bargains they strike. 

These are a few steps to rewrite the success story of your online auction.


Get online and use emailers, mailing lists and social media channels to drive traffic to your auction and attract more bidders. Direct potential bidders to your website to read a copy of the free e-book regarding online bidding. For one, post your auction once or twice a week on each social media platform including LinkedIn.

You can drive traffic to your web site by a targeted marketing approach. However, everything does not sell as well as it was thought out to be. Ground reality is that you have a product that the buyer is looking for. Post an item that the buyer is eyeing and you have hit the nail on the head.

Keeping a product and target in mind is the key. It fetches potential bidders by zeroing in on listed items that have been attracting bidders time and again to the online sale and you may categorize your products along the same lines.


Pushing content out on social media is one strategy, but gaining an outreach is a different ball game altogether. With some quick thinking and thorough but relevant information digging, try to address industry voices and local influencers. Ask them to retweet content about your online auction to gain recognition from their audiences as well. 


How to source more audiences to gain traction for your product?  This can be done by extolling your organization to all and sundry in a bid to promote your key product and ask them to spread the gospel about your company.

The key is to stretch your parameters to gain a likely few bidders within your past encounters with audiences, guest bloggers and industry thought leaders who can voice your thoughts out loud regarding the auction. 
This is because the key to a successful online auction sale is to gain a receptive audience.  A plethora of people who can lend an ear to the online auction is akin to getting higher traffic to your site and consequently you bid numbers could also travel higher. 


The success of your online auction will have to depend on you getting the desired traffic to your auction which can be conquered by posting your auction sale in newsletters, announcements and posters, stating that an auction is slated in this  calendar. You can also provide a link directly to your Online Catalog in every electronic engagement for anyone that didn't receive an invitation. 


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